"The secret to our success is that we will never give up."

- Wilma Mankiller, Cherokee Nation

Native American Jump Start’s programs are designed to “Jump Start” the needs of starting an internship, employment opportunity, or furthering your educational needs. We have realized that numerous ancillary cost can be a barrier to education and employment opportunities. Our grant program is designed to provide support to get your programs going or to help with these additional cost. We are here to help!

Select Your Grant Type:
  • Employment Grants
  • Student Grants

NAJS Intern & Employment Grants

For Native students and individuals pursuing internship and employment opportunities through their education program or direct with employers, may apply to receive grant funding to support the cost associated with their internships or employment opportunities.


NAJS Student Grants

For Native students and individuals pursuing higher educational opportunities, may apply to receive grant funding to support the cost associated with their education. We support the following higher education opportunities: Technical or Trade Schools, Certificate Programs, Associates, Bachelors, Masters and PhD degree programs.

NAJS Partner Grants

Native American Jump Start has partnered with several incredible organizations to provide educational and employment opportunities to young Native people.

  • Chipeta

    Chipeta Trading Company

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    Chipeta Trading Company

    NAJS works with the Chipeta Trading Company to administer an annual scholarship program - The Chipeta Scholarship Program. To learn more about this program - please click here.

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  • 2024 7Gen

    Crazy Horse Memorial Foundation

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    Crazy Horse Memorial Foundation

    NAJS provides support for students participating in the 7th GEN Summer Program and the Wizipan program on an annual basis. Learn more by clicking here.

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  • Health-Tech-Pic-e1722258201590

    Health Tech Academy

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    Health Tech Academy

    Native American Jump Start is honored to partner with the Health Tech Academy to provide educational and employment opportunities to the Native American Community. Native students looking to establish a career in the health and medical profession can enroll in any of the Health Tech Academy programs and acquire the educational and professional skills needed to work in a variety of jobs in the health industry. In many instances, participation in this program is at NO cost to the student. To learn more about Health Tech Academy Programs click HERE or reach out to the dedicated SRegional Workforce Development Manager: for Alabama, California, Florida, Washington and Wisconsin, - Karla Coleman - karlacoleman@healthtechacademy.org. For Arizona, New Mexico, Texas and Louisiana - Chester Middlebrooks - chestermiddlebrooks@healthtechacademy.org. For Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, Colorado and Oklahoma, contact – Miranda Murphey – miranda.murphey@healthtechacademy.org. For all other states please contact Karla Coleman - karla.coleman@healthtechacademy.org.

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  • NAJS-Website

    The Benz Experience

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    The Benz Experience

    The Benz Experience has selected NAJS as the official charity partner of their organization. The Benz Experience is a luxury travel and experience company based in Jackson WY. To learn more about The Benz Experience, please click here.

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  • Capture-1

    Grand Teton National Park Foundation

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    Grand Teton National Park Foundation

    NAJS provide funding support for Native individuals participating in the Tribal Youth Corps Program and the Indigenous Ground leaders Program. To learn more about these programs please click here.

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  • 2016_Commencement-7110

    Central Wyoming College

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    Central Wyoming College

    Native American Jump Start has partnered with Central Wyoming College to host the Annual Teton Powwow. We are honored to expand on our partnership to offer scholarships to Native students attending Central Wyoming College. To learn more about Central Wyoming College and their programs please click learn more.

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  • One Spirit Image

    One Spirit Lakota

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    One Spirit Lakota

    NAJS provides funding and resource support to give young Lakota people the experience of working in the hospitality industry on the Sea Coast of New Hampshire. To learn more about this program, please click here.

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Cultural Awareness Training

Cultural Awareness is one of the core values of Native American Jump Start. In supporting this, NAJS provides supporting programs that focus on the importance of Cultural Awareness including the Teton Powwow and Cultural Sensitivity Training.  Additionally, NAJS also offers additional development opportunities open to all current students, employees and alumni.  These programs include First Time Employment Training and Financial Independence Training.

Cultural Sensitivity Training 

Teton Powwow

Independent Financial Training 

First Time Employment Training

Cultural Awareness Training

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Do I have to be a high school graduate to apply for a NAJS Grant?


You must be a high school graduate or have received a GED.

Q: What can I use the grant funds for?


NAJS grants are intended to break down barriers to employment or educational opportunities. Some examples on the education side can be: tuition, books, school supplies; including lap to computer, housing, food, transportation, child care etc.
On the employment side, some examples include, appropriate clothing for your job, supplies, tools, equipment, transportation etc.

Q: Can I apply for funding if I have Native American Ancestry?

Eligible applicants must be enrolled in a federally recognized tribe and provide proof of tribal enrollment or CDIB.

Q: How can I get more information on your partnership programs or how do I become a partner?


Please reach out to us on our contact page with your specific questions.

Q: How can I get involved with Native American Jump Start?


Please reach out to us on our contact page with your specific questions.
