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Posted: August 6th, 2024

Our Impact – Native American Jump Start and The Indian University of North American at the Crazy Horse Memorial

June 8, 2024 – Crazy Horse South Dakota
Since 2015, Native American Jump Start has provided more than $200,000 to support Native students attending the 7th GEN program at the Indian University of North American at the Crazy Horse Memorial.

The 7thGEN  program provide a great opportunity for graduating Native high school students to “Jump Start” their education before they start their freshman year of college by participating in the program at The Indian University of North American.  The program is an 8-week university program located in the Blak Hills of South Dakota.  Students experience a full residential program while earning 12 college credits through a collaboration with an institution of higher learning – including a paid internship experience at the Crazy Horse Memorial.  Students complete their first semester of college through the 7th GEN Summer Program and are prepared to continue college, navigate career pathways, and experience community building with other high achieving students committed to higher education success.

All students enroll in “Strategies for College Success” and “Work Life Experience” and select two additional courses from the following options: English Composition 101, English Literature 214, general Psychology 101 and Fundamentals of Speech 101.  They also participate in a 20 hour weekly paid credit bearing internship at the Crazy Horse Memorial.   Internship opportunities include; Welcome Center, Ticket Office, Restaurant & Snack Shop, Gift Shop, Tour Guide, Information Technology, Museum and Cultural Programming, and the Library.

Once students are selected into the 7th GEN Summer Program, they then become eligible to apply for funding support from Native American Jump Start.   The funds received from NAJS can be used to cover the cost of transportation for the students coming form their home state or travel to and from the program.  They can use the funding to cove the cost of their room and board while participating in the program or the funds can be used towards their college expenses after they complete the 7th Gen Summer program.

Chico Her Many Horses

On June 8th, The 7th Gen Summer Program kicked off the 2024 Summer Semester and Native American Jump Start was in attendance to support the students and provide them with their grants.   Friend and supporter of Native American Jump Start, Chico Her Many Horses, was the Key Note speaker representing NAJS.  He shared the importance of pursuing educational and employment opportunities, the importance of cultural awareness and giving back to your community.  Chico then bestowed grants to 28 students enrolled in the Indian University of North American 7th Gen Summer Program.